What shoes should be worn for dancing?
Type and Style
The best dance shoes for Shag have leather or smooth, hard plastic soles and low wide heels. Jazz, ballroom, and lyrical shoes work fine for shag dance, as long as the soles are smooth and the heels are not high. Most boys wear loafers or dress shoes with leather soles. Sneakers do not work well. Ballet slippers work well for little girls.
Where to OBTAIN
Jax Junior Shaggers has some donated used shoes available for those juniors who are regularly taking lessons, however small sizes are limited. Dance shoes can be found at most big box stores. Amazon, Payless and Walmart, for example, carry many different styles. KiD to KiD in Mandarin often has used dance shoes for sale. When juniors attend Junior SOS they are given 1-2 pairs of shoes.
Dance shoes should not be worn outside.